15 ways a typewriter changed my life in just 9 days.

This typewriter joined our family after going unloved for several decades in storage as a technological revolution swept the world. Incorporating it into daily life has revolutionized my life. 8. I’m writing more freely, less concerned with finding that perfect word, phrase, etc. That all can be done in the re-writing process. Might this be … More 15 ways a typewriter changed my life in just 9 days.

Boots. A love story.

“A hoarder is someone with an unusual ability to see beauty in the ordinary.” I heard Malcolm Gladwell say that during a harvest, and had to pause and write it down ( the Dragon Psychology 101 episode, which aired at the midpoint of 2020). Exactly two years and twenty days ago, I rescued these ancient … More Boots. A love story.

Keep Showing Up. Especially if you’re depressed!

I’ve planted tens of thousands of seeds in a scene that looks just like this, more times than I’d care to count this spring… The thermostat seems stuck between 33 and 38 degrees. The sun is all but snuffed out. Even today, snowflakes have blown around amidst the apocalyptic-looking scene as if a nuclear winter … More Keep Showing Up. Especially if you’re depressed!

Indulge your idiosyncrasies. They make you YOU!

 I wrote the following piece for the Garbanzo Gazette, which is a quarterly publication put out by the Whole Foods Co-op for its 12,000+ members. I’m sharing it here, because it contains the germ of a critical message I’m continually working on in life and in my upcoming book. Here’s a 48-second video I filmed … More Indulge your idiosyncrasies. They make you YOU!